What is technical SEO and why it is important to get a higher ranking

What is technical SEO and why it is important to get a higher ranking

  • 14 Mar, 2022
What is technical SEO and why it is important to get a higher ranking
  • 14 Mar, 2022

Technical SEO refers to the optimization of a website so that it is free of technical issues and ranks higher in search engine results pages. No matter how hard you try to keep your page looking good, it will be of no use unless you focus on technical SEO. Most website owners ignore the importance of technical SEO due to its complexity. But in fact, it is the only way to make your website functional, user-friendly, and glitch-free.

Whether you have a new or old website, you need to focus on technical SEO to gain rankings.

Don’t know how to optimize your website for technical SEO? Don’t worry as we have shortlisted some of the important strategies that will help you in gaining traffic and convert them into potential customers.


In 2014, Google algorithms revealed the importance of SSL. Secure sockets layer or SSL is the secure connection between a browser and server. According to Google, HTTPS websites will gain more preference in the search engine results. You can install an SSL certificate to ensure that your website is secure. For instance, the website URL with https:// is preferred over http://.

So, if you don’t have an SSL certificate already, hurry up and get one to improve your ranking and security.

Enable AMP

AMP is a Google-based launched project which generates special codes to decrease the page loading time on mobile devices. When your website has an AMP version it will load much more quickly. Wondering how does it work? Well the AMP improves speed by reducing page size.

AMP versions of a web page have a higher chance to be shared by the users because of their high speed. The backlinks it gets, the more likely it is to be ranked.

Moreover, Google prefers AMP pages and highlights them in carousels.

Add structured data markup

Structured data markup helps search engines in understanding your content in a better way. Once they understand your data, it will help them in indexing your site effectively.

It also allows you to add rich snippets to provide extra information to your audience such as prices to products, feedback, ratings, etc. As the snippets provide useful and relevant information it increases your chances of clickthrough rate and boosts your traffic. So, adding structured data markup is a strategy worth using.

Avoid duplicate content

Duplicate content is used by website owners to manipulate search engines and gain more traffic. But in reality, it does more harm than good.

Duplicate content Hurts your ranking badly as it is confusing for both search engine algorithms and users. If Google crawlers identify duplicate content on your website they might penalize your website. Here is how you can fix the issue of duplicate content.

– Avoid uploading multiple versions of a page

– Never forget to add a canonical tag if you are uploading duplicate content as it will help Google crawlers in understanding where the original content is available.

Create a site map

A site map or search road map is a document that assists search engines in understanding the nature of your website while crawling. It provides useful information about individual web pages such as when a webpage was uploaded or modified, what is the priority of a particular web page, and much more.

You can use online tools to determine the route map of your website. Some online tools will automatically generate a site map for the website.

Check your website speed

Website’s speed plays a huge role in determining the ranking of your website. Keep in mind that the search engine always prefers fast-loading pages. Moreover, the users will skip your page if it takes more time to load.

If you want to improve your page speed, there are several ways to do it:

– Fast hosting and DNS provider

– Minimal use of HTTP requests

– Never use multiple CSS styles

– Optimise your image size and keep it as small as possible

– Compress your web pages

– Simplify your website’s code and avoid unnecessary spaces or breaks.

To audit the page speed of your website you can use tools like Pingdom or Google page speed insights. These tools will provide you with detailed reports and reasons why your page speed is slow, and with such reports, you can plan your next strategy.

Make a mobile-friendly website

In recent years, Google has emphasized on mobile-friendliness of a website. The reason for it is that most of the users feature websites through their mobile phones and only our responsive website design is able to adjust itself on any device. Google algorithm states that mobile friendly approach of a website is a strong factor in determining the ranking.

A mobile-friendly website not only boosts your rankings but also helps you in providing a better user experience. So make sure that your website is fully responsive for desktops, mobile phones, or tablets.

To check the mobile friendliness of your website you can take a Google mobile friendly test. It will list the mobile usability issues and other incompatibilities Which will help you in making improvements.

For a better understanding of technical SEO, you can contact SEO services.

Benefits of technical SEO

If you have a strong grip on technical SEO, then your website will be crawled and indexed quickly. The benefit of technical search engine optimization is not just limited to ranking instead they make your website user-friendly and engaging. Now let’s discuss some other longer-term benefits of implementing a technical SEO.

Increase reach across various channels

When you optimize your content in accordance with Google algorithms then it will ultimately get a higher reach across various platforms. This high reach will increase your brand awareness, engagement, and sales.

Increase search engine ranking

If your content is optimized, Google can easily understand, display, and index it. This will result in boosting ranking and organic traffic to your website. Apart from appearing in the top search results, you are more likely to appear in the ‘people also ask’ and ‘snippets’ sections.

Helps in identifying content weaknesses

When you constantly monitor your website for technical errors such as page not found, missing image alt tags, any broken links, you can identify, report and fix them immediately before Google find out. The main benefit of it is that you can keep your content fresh, relevant, and up to date. Moreover, it will save your website from getting penalized.


The success of a website depends upon multiple factors such as its speed, design, functionality, mobile friendliness, and much more. So, if you want to stay in top search results, you need to be smart and focus on multiple aspects at a time.

Want to find out about the technical SEO of your website? Digital marketing agency will help you in providing a technical audit of your website so you can start working on the underlying issues.

Digital dot agency is the best SEO company that will help in the optimization of Your website according to Google algorithms so you can attract more audience and generate higher revenue for your business. To find out more about our SEO agency, get in touch with our team today. We are looking forward to working with you.

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