Top six ways you should know to improve SEO ranking immediately in 2022

Top six ways you should know to improve SEO ranking immediately in 2022

  • 4 Apr, 2022
Top six ways you should know to improve SEO ranking immediately in 2022
  • 4 Apr, 2022

Search engine optimization or SEO strategies are crucial for boosting ranking, and visibility in search results. It helps businesses in gaining organic traffic to increase their profitability. Google updates its algorithm almost every day so if you want to stay on top of search engine result pages (SERPs) then you have to keep up with ever-changing algorithms. The reason for ever-changing Google algorithms is that it wants to facilitate its users in the best possible way. Keeping up with SEO techniques is a full-time job, and only a skilled person can handle it. But if you are managing your SEO on your own then this guide will be helpful for you.

Do you want to find out about the best SEO strategies that will help you in ranking? In this article, we will discuss the important tips that’ll increase your organic traffic, conversion rates, and revenue.

Improving your page loading speed

Page speed is defined as the time required by your website to load. According to Google, your average page loading time should be somewhere between 2-3 seconds. Slow page speed increases your bounce rate and kills conversions. If your page takes more than three seconds to load, it will leave the user frustrated and chances are that they might never revisit your website.

Internet users today lack patience and every user wants to access information in seconds. Due to this reason, Google has made page loading speed one of the important elements for ranking. Many factors could affect your page loading speed:

  • Themes or plugins used on your website
  • Unoptimized images or videos
  • Large or heavy file size uploaded on the website
  • Website design

No matter how much quality content you upload on your page, if it takes too long to load it will deter the users from returning. Slow speed indicates the poor performance of your website. So, if you want to maintain traffic on the website then you should start working on your page loading speed.

Do you want to improve your page speed? Here is how you can do it:

  • Reduce redirects
  • Upload optimised and compressed images
  • Get rid of unwanted images
  • Minimise HTTP requests
  • Use quality web servers

If you want to improve the loading speed of your website, then first you should understand the underlying issue. To get a detailed report about your page speed you can hire SEO services, they have qualified staff to handle every SEO-related issue.

Producing high-quality content

Uploading quality content is the best SEO strategy to gain ranking and users’ attention. If you write quality content but don’t optimise it, then it will never be indexed by Google crawlers. On the other hand, well-optimised and quality content will be quickly identified and ranked by Google.

Remember that you must write the content by keeping in mind your target audience. It must be clear and helpful to your users. Find the relevant primary and secondary keywords to increase your reach. Always use primary keywords in the meta title and meta description so that search crawlers can easily understand your content.

Following are some factors that you should keep in mind while uploading content.

  • Never upload duplicate content as it will hurt your SEO and Google will penalise you for it.
  • Add headings and subheadings to your content to make it more engaging
  • The information you provide must be to the point and accurate
  • Use the relevant primary and secondary keywords in your content to get it ranked
  • Add call-to-action words to your content

Uploading quality content regularly can be time-consuming that so you should consider outsourcing it to a digital marketing agency. They will upload content while keeping up with SEO so your website gains visibility.

Optimise on-page content

When you upload optimised on-page content your chances of getting noticed by Google crawlers increase. Let’s suppose you have written quality content for your web page but how are you going to get it ranked? Do you have any strategy in mind? The best way is to write search engine optimised content so they can understand it easily and rank your website for it. On-page content optimisation means that you have to write high-quality, unique, and informative content stuffed with keywords and heading to make it attractive to your target audience. Following are some of the factors that will help in ranking your website.

  • Meta title and description
  • Keywords
  • Internal linking
  • Alt tags
  • Headings

Using backlinks

Backlinks are the base for a successful SEO strategy because they indicate the authoritativeness of your website. Wondering how? Backlinks are the links that lead to your website from another reputable website. When a reputable website links back to your website, it will increase your EAT factor and Google will immediately rank your website.

While you are using the backlink strategy, make sure to get links from a reputable website. It is because a single high-quality link is better than multiple low-quality backlinks.

Here is how you can gain backlinks to your website:

  • Use social media to link people working in your industry
  • Maintain quality content on your webpage and guest posting

Providing appropriate contact information

Google allows businesses to create a free ‘Google My Business’ profile, so the businesses can maintain their online presence and target the audience in their area. When you start making the GMB profile, you will be asked to provide all the relevant information regarding your business such as name, address, contact number, etc.

Ensure that the information you provide is accurate and is the same across all your social media platforms because your customers will reach out through it. If there is a difference in the information, your customers will be left confused.

Improve user experience

Getting ranked in search engine result pages (SERPs) and improving user experience should be your ultimate goal for SEO.

If you provide a better user experience, the organic traffic to your website will ultimately increase. Are you wondering how you can improve your user experience? Most business owners think that writing quality content is enough to engage with the user but there is more to it. The user experience is based on multiple factors such as the quality of content, page loading speed, images, videos, etc. For instance, if the page loading speed of your website is higher then, it will have a positive impact on user experience and they visited your website. Your loading time directly influences the number of users who will appear on your website.

Social media is a great platform where you can engage with your audience, increase brand acknowledgment, and gain traffic to your website. With the right social media tactics, you can generate leads and increase conversions.

If you don’t improve your user experience then it will increase your bounce rate, hurt your brand image, and even Google will not rank your website.

Outsourcing digital marketing can give you desired results because these agencies after expertise and knowledge to manage your website according to the Google algorithm.


SEO has become the core of every digital marketing campaign. Without it you can never make it to the top of search results or gain organic traffic, that’s why it is important to understand the basics of SEO techniques.

Do you find it hard to keep up with changing Google algorithms? Understanding SEO can be challenging, and it requires expertise to obtain fruitful results. You can consider outsourcing SEO services to professional digital marketing agencies.

Digital dot agency offers SEO Services at affordable rates. Our qualified and skilled strategists will design your marketing campaign in such a way that it will guarantee you success. Feel free to contact us to find out more about our services. We are looking forward to providing you with our support.

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