What is SEO Service & What is Included in SEO Services?

What is SEO Service & What is Included in SEO Services?

  • 24 Jun, 2021
What is SEO Service & What is Included in SEO Services?
  • 24 Jun, 2021

You must have heard a lot about SEO lately as businesses have started focusing on this particularaspect of their website to achieve a higher ranking. But if you’re thinking what is SEO? And how will it help you in getting your website ranked, wait no more. In this article, we will discuss everything about SEO and its different types in detail, which will clear all the questions in your mind.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a way of optimizing or improving the ranking of a website, so it is easily accessible online. SEO focuses on improving ranking on search engines such as Google and BING. The higher ranking a website has, the more likely it is to be visited, leading to more traffic and more business.

Importance of SEO

SEO helps you in building a strong connection with your audience by driving more people to your website. It improves customer experience, and more and more people acknowledge your brand so, it ultimately increases conversions. All of this helps to improve your sales and business.

Types of SEO Services

There are various SEO services by which the ranking of a website can be improved; let’s discuss each one by one.

1. Technical SEO

It involves analysis of technical factors such as determining the coding, speed, and layout of a website. Following are the subtypes of technical SEO.

Code efficiency

The code by which a website is developed is an important factor in determining the load on the website. It is better to have minimized website code to achieve better optimization and rankings on Google. Note that an inefficient and bloated code can slow down the website load.

Mobile responsiveness

The layout of the website is another important factor for ranking. The layout must be following the type of device that will be used to view that particular website. For instance, if the website is most likely to be used on mobile then the size of on-page content must be reduced to fit the page. A responsive website has a better user experience, and Google alwaysshows up a responsive website/webpage in its search result before a non-responsive one.

Speed of website

A website’s speed also plays a role in determining the ranking on Google. Google will deliver or show a faster website first and then the slowerones as the website with faster speed provides a better user experience to the visitor. Moreover, the audience generally ignores a website if it has a slow speed.

Note: The website loading time should always be less than 2.5 seconds.


Secure and safe websites are always preferred by the audience and so does Google; after allno one wants to welcome viruses into their computers, laptops, or mobile by visiting an insecure website. For security, Google emphasizes having HTTPS websites rather than HTTP sites. HTTPS ensures that the website is protected by Secured Socket Layer (SSL). It means that there is a secure connection between a visitor and a website. Google ranks a website that is SSL protected more, so to gain a higher ranking on Google it is important to have an HTTPS website.

2. On-page SEO

It refers to the elements on the page that play a role in the ranking of a website. By working on the content of your page you can ultimately improve search engine results.

Meta Title and Meta Description

These two factors a crucial for achieving a good SEO ranking. The meta title and meta description must contain the keyword as it helps Google to understand the meaning of your page. Moreover, it differentiates your website from your competitors. An accurate tag line and meta description will increase your click rates and decreases bounce rates. The professional SEO services providers are well-aware of optimizing tag lines and meta descriptions and help you gain organic traffic.

Headings on page

Properly mentioned headings on-page also increases the ranking. The heading gives a better idea about the content on the page, and Google also appreciates the structured web pages.

On-page content

The content written on a webpage is also crucial to obtain a high ranking. The written content must be engaging, valuable, and provides information to the visitor, so the user continues to read it and visit your website again and again. Also, a page with an attractive layout and colorful pictures increases the stay time-on-page.

3. Off-page SEO

It includes the factors that are related to the optimization of elements off-page or away from your website. It represents the credibility of a website.


Backlinks are the heart of the Google ranking algorithm. The more backlinks a website gets, the likely it is to get a higher-rankings. The key to get backlinks is by providing quality content on the website. There are greater chances of spam in backlinks, but one quality backlink is much better than 100 poor-quality backlinks.

Social media

We live in a digital world where social media has a great influence on everyone’s life, so the best way to promote the website is through social media platforms. By sharing the content of your website on social media websites, you can create brand awareness and increase traffic to the website.

4. Organic SEO

Organic SEO is particularly crucial for businesses that focus on the national and international levels. Its prime focus is to improve rankings on organic search results. Techniques that are involved to obtain organic SEO service include off-page and on-page optimization.

5. Local SEO

Local SEO services are crucial for businesses whose target market is local customers. And it is gaining importance as 60% of searches of people are based on local intent. It is a big opportunity for small businesses to grow such as auto repair shops, fast food corners, clinics, etc. The techniques used in local SEO vary from organic SEO services. In this case, the optimization is done based on the local area.

6. Voice SEO

Voice SEO is the latest form of SEO, as more people prefer voice search over typing. The techniques used for voice optimization involve a focus on having a fast, SSL secured website and a clearly stated question and answer which must not be more than 30 words.

7. Reputation management

Online reviews about services or products are helpful to people, as it gives clear idea about capability or quality of an organization. Positive reviews will help in the success of business whereas, negative reviews will take your business down for sure. Professional SEO services must also include reputation management i.e., promote good reviews and mitigate bad reviews.

8. Search engine marketing

It plays a role in improving the online visibility of a website. As the users become familiar with a website, there will be an increase in traffic, conversion rate, and engagement.

What is included in SEO Services by SEO Professionals?

Sometimes, even after getting a higher ranking, your business may not be successful as it is because there could be some other possible issues. Every business wishes to drive traffic on their website that’s why businesses turn to SEO company to seek help. Hiring a professional SEO company will make sure to keep you away from such issues so your business can continue to progress.

Find professional SEO company

Digital Agency SEO companyhas specialized in search engine optimization services and assist you in achieving your ranking goals. The idea of SEO revolves around increasing the number of visitors on your website so, it appears high on search engine pages. As discussed earlier, SEO services are of different types. But note that you can’t rely on a single SEO type for achieving a high ranking. Furthermore, Google constantly updates its ranking algorithm, so it is necessary to keep up with it.

Even after you have hired SEO services to boosting-up your visibility in search engines, you still need to check on your SEO performance. Ask the SEO Company to provide you keep you in the loop and update you monthly about the progress.


Allowing Digital Agency – SEO Company to handle your website for you will have countless benefits. We will keep in check Google algorithms and come up with the strategies and tactics to generate positive results for your business.

Why choose us?

Being a professional SEO company, we provide all types of SEO services and use efficient strategies to improve search engine results. Meeting your goals is our priority, and we will discuss everything with you and educate you about ways to increase SEO.

Contact us now to see your website on top-ranking.

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