How To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking?

How To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking?

  • 24 Jun, 2021
How To Improve Your Search Engine Ranking?
  • 24 Jun, 2021

How often do you approach Google to find solutions to your problems?Do you click only on the websites that appear on Google’s first page?

Well, your probable clients and customers also do the same. So, if you want to increase the sales of your e-commerce store, or you want to generate organic traffic to your blog, you need to rank higher on Google.

You might think that on-page SEO would be enough to improve your ranking but there is a lot more that needs to be done for ranking on the first page. Here are a few ways recommended by experts in top SEO Company. Have a look and implement it to improve your ranking.

1. Analyze Your Website

The first step to improve your search engine ranking is to analyze your website. Here is how you should do it:

Check your site speed

Google’s ranking algorithms are based on providing a good experience to users. So, if your website is slow and takes time to load, chances are your users are going to bounce and your website is not going to rank.

SEO, keywords, metadata, good content, and backlinks come later, if your website takes more than 2 seconds to load, it is bad and your site might be penalized for it.

Google Page Speed Insights is a good tool to check your website speed. All you need to do is paste your website URL in the box and click on Analyze button, you will have a complete report in front of you in a few seconds.

Sign Up with Google Analytics

Whether you have a blog or an e-commerce store, you will need to understand your visitors’ behavior to increase your sales. Google Analytics is the most popular and free tool to analyze the traffic at your website.

Google Analytics gives you the information you will need to improve your business strategy and attract organic traffic to your website. It will tell you exactly how many visitors you have, where they are coming from, what devices they are using, and much more.


Make Your Site Responsive

Having a responsive website is essential to improve your search engine ranking. So, what is a responsive website? A responsive website means that your web design is mobile-friendly and is easily readable from a mobile’s screen.

In the year 2020, Google shifted to  a mobile-first indexing algorithm and according to it, Google views all websites as a mobile device. So, if your website is not responsive, it will not rank on Google.

1. Publish Relevant Content

Experts at the best SEO Company recommend publishing relevant content to increase traffic to your website. You might know that Google considers CTR (Click Through Rate) an important factor to rank your website. The more clicks you have, the better would be your ranking on search engines.

Here are some tips to write click-worthy content.

Target Audience and Keyword Research

The first thing you should do to write relevant content is to identify your target audience and find keywords according to your target audience. If your website is about pet food, your target audience is pet owners. So, start searching for popular keywords among pet owners.

Choose a Click-worthy Title

The title is the first thing that goes through readers’ eyes it should be click-worthy and attractive. Here are some tips to write a click-worthy title.

  • Use power words
  • Add numbers
  • Answer a question
  • Don’t forget to include the keyword

Write Captivating Content

Captivating content would ensure that the reader spends more time on your website. Here’s how to write captivating content:

  • Start with something that connects with your audience.
  • Target pain points
  • Tell your own experiences, good or bad.
  • Add call-to-actions. There is no point in discussing a problem without telling its solution.
  • Lastly, NATURALLY, include your keywords. Don’t overstuff it.

2. Metadata

Metadata directly does not improve your website ranking but it surely will help attract more traffic towards your website and hence improve your website ranking. So, what is metadata? Metadata helps search engines to search relevant data against a query.

Title Metadata

Title metadata or title tags are a great way to tell the search engine what your page is about. A different title tag on each page shows the search engine that your pages contain unique information and aren’t just duplicating of each other.

According to experts at SEO agency, your title and title tag should be under 60 characters and should use the primary keyword and secondary keywords.

Primary Keyword – Secondary Keyword | Title

Description Metadata

Description metadata or Meta description is just under your title. Although meta description’s importance has fallen in the past years it is still a great source to call users for actions. Meta description serves the purpose of providing information like the purpose and content of your page to visitors and search engine bots.

Meta descriptions may not show in Google search results but they are definitely visible when your website is shared on social media pages. So, make sure to write informative and attractive meta descriptions and don’t forget to add keywords to them.

3. Image Optimization

Images are an important part of a website, especially if it is an e-commerce store. It attracts traffic and potential customers and if these images are not optimized, you are probably going to lose traffic and your website would de-rank. Here is how you can optimize images at your website:

Image Format

There is no perfect format for the image. Image format depends on the type of image you are using.

  • SVG is best for logos and icons.
  • Use JPEG for large and colourful pictures. It will give clear results with a smaller file size.
  • PNG is recommended for transparent backgrounds.
  • Web is a better alternative for JPEG and PNG because of its high-quality results and smaller file size.

Adjust the Scale and Reduce the File Size

Loading time directly affects the ranking of your website and the heavier the image is, the longer it will take to load. So, choose the appropriate pixels and size for your image. Unfortunately, there is no specific image size that is recommended. You will have to figure out a perfect scale and size for your image according to your website.

SEO Optimize the Image

Adding an SEO-optimized image to your website would help to improve its ranking. Here is how to do it:

  • Choose the right file name. Use “Cat Food” instead of “IMG-01”.
  • Use hyphens instead of space “Cat-Food”.
  • Use keywords in the file name “Best-Cat-Food”
  • Use alt tags to tell the search engine what the image is about. 10-15 words would be enough.
  • Optimize your image title. Use keywords in the image title as you used in the image name.
  • Add captions with keywords. It will add to the user experience.

4. Backlinks

Backlinks are vital to improving your website’s ranking. They show Google that your website is credible and useful. But first, we need to understand what backlink is?

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks are links from other websites. These links act as votes to prove that your content is credible, useful, and authentic. The more backlinks your website has, the more credible it would be in the eyes of search engines.

However, your backlinks should be quality backlinks.

What are Quality Backlinks?

Links from well-reputed and high-domain websites are called quality backlinks. Not to forget, these links should from related websites. For a website selling pet food, the backlink should come from websites talking about pets. Click Here to check the credibility of the website you are asking for backlinks from.

How to Generate Quality Backlinks?

There are quite a few ways to generate quality backlinks. Below we are mentioning some to help you:

  • The easiest way is to search the same niche blogs and ask them for backlinks. However, they might charge you for the backlinks.
  • Guest blogging is another method for quality backlinks. Just type your niche + blog + write for us on Google and start trying your luck.
  • Infographics – design attractive infographics and post them on social media.
  • Get yourself interviewed. There are famous websites on pretty every niche that invite experts for interviews. However, if you are not likely to get an invite, you can reach out and convince the interviewer to interview you.

We hope our guide would help you in improving your website ranking. However, if all this sounds too technical, it is always better to hire the best SEO company to do the expert job for you.

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